Welcome to the Website for The Church of the Most Holy Trinity, Ettingshall.
We hope you find what you are looking for as you visit.
Our Parish Facebook Page can be found at https://www.facebook.com/MHTEttingshall/
Please click the link below to view Holy Trinity’s Safeguarding Policy. We are committed to ensuring that Holy Trinity Church is a community and place where all are safe and may flourish. The Parish has adopted the House of Bishops’ ‘Promoting a Safer Church: Safeguarding Policy.’
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Mrs. Val Shepherd (email: valshepherd@hotmail.co.uk) – her telephone number is 01902 659702. Val also co-ordinates our Children’s Team.
Parish Safeguarding Policy #1Download
Further information about Safeguarding in the Diocese of Lichfield can be found here.
Safeguarding in the Parish: Who’s Who?
Safeguarding Officer
Mrs. Val Shepherd 07772 964548
The Rev’d Fr. Damian Feeney 07949 570387
Mr Barry Perks 01902 885441
Mrs. Jane Scott 07908 122669 (also Children’s Team Member)
Hon. Treasurer/Acting Hall Manager
Mr. Geoff Proffitt 01902 664390
Additional Children’s Team Member
Mrs. Fiona Feeney 07791 448563
Diocesan Contacts
For Out of Hours and Weekend Emergencies please call the Emergency Safeguarding number 0845 120 4550. During Office Hours and for General Enquiries please call Neil Spiring or Kim Hodgkins on 01543 306030.
Wolverhampton City Council Contacts
Children Safeguarding concerns – tel: 01902 555392 (Mon-Thurs 8:30am – 5pm {4:30pm on Fridays}) or 01902 552999 (out of hours)
Adult Safeguarding concerns – tel: 01902 551199 (Mon-Thurs 8:30am – 5pm {4:30pm on Fridays}) or 01902 552999 (out of hours)
West Midlands Police
101 (Non-Emergency)
999 (Emergency)
Who are we?
We are a community of Christians whose life centres on the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are friendly, welcoming and try not to take ourselves too seriously. We gather together every Sunday morning at 9.30 am to celebrate, to pray, to reflect upon our lives and on what God might be doing with them.
The Church of the Most Holy Trinity serves the Parish of Ettingshall which lies to the south of the city of Wolverhampton. The church building was consecrated in 1961 and along with our Parish Hall provides a flexible, modern building in which both worship and a variety of community projects are able to work side-by-side to serve God and his people amongst whom we live and work.
Holy Trinity is a church in the Anglo-Catholic tradition, proclaiming Jesus Christ through Word and Sacrament. We are part of the Diocese of Lichfield, under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Oswestry. At the heart of our lives together is the regular celebration of the Mass, most particularly on Sunday mornings (0930). We do our best to offer to God the very best worship we can, and as we are fed by the Word of God and his Sacraments we are sent out to live transformed lives in the service of the local community and the world beyond.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is available to all by arrangement with the parish priest.
Arrangements for Baptisms, Weddings and for the reading of Banns of Marriage can be made through this website – please use the ‘Enquiry’ form.
We hope you will find this website useful and informative but if you require any further help please contact us on 07949 570387.
Please contact us t
hrough this website if you would like to know more about the Christian faith, and do let us know if there is something missing from this website which should be here. In the meantime, please be assured of our prayers and of a warm welcome should you visit us!
Fr Damian Feeney
Parish Priest
Trinity Sunday 23 – our Feast of Title
Trinity Sunday was incredibly special! First of all, we were very fortunate to have as our visiting preacher Fr AKM Adam, Tutor in New Testament at Regent’s Park College, Oxford, and a great friend of Holy Trinity. The text of his wonderful sermon can be seen below.

Secondly, we were delighted to welcome Leo and Tilly into the life of the church through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. It was a wonderful occasion for two very special people! We continue to pray for them as they walk with Jesus.